Settling in for the Long Haul by Debbie Leaman

RED MOUNTAIN Chair in repose.jpg

Photo by Howard Leaman


While I vacillate between stretches of calm and momentary bursts of panic, it’s taken an earthquake in Salt Lake City, on top of a global pandemic to wake me up. The message for me now, more than ever, is to be “in the moment.”

While the earthquake put us all on edge (understatement of the year), it was a huge lesson: I can’t predict what’s going to happen today, tomorrow or a month from now. With a few aftershocks fresh in my mind, I can’t predict what’s going to happen five minutes from now. I need to just remember to breathe and remain in the present.

I’m trying to feel comfortable with the unknown, not easy for someone who likes to plan. As far as staying sane and grounded, social distancing, washing hands, and practicing common sense, are the only things we can do to protect ourselves and others.

I’ve found a few positives. Systemically cancelling everything on my calendar has been frustrating but strangely freeing. I’m an introvert — spending time alone feeds my soul — but this past week, I’ve wanted to connect. I’ve reached out to our neighbors and our friends and family all over the country, some of whom I haven’t spoken to in months, or longer. Slowly settling in for the long haul, and the “new normal,” I’ve pulled out jigsaw puzzles and books and plan to make a lot of soup. I’ve learned how to use Zoom which has opened up more than I’d ever imagined: Howard and I have Zoomed with our kids in different states, attended virtual Shabbat services and look forward to “meeting” our friends for wine online. I’ll be teaching my next course using Zoom.  We’re binging on Netflix and taking a lot of walks. I’m listening to the birds outside.

With more people staying home, and fewer cars on the road, the air is visibly cleaner in Salt Lake.

Like you, I’m realizing what’s truly important and doing all that I can do to stay safe for myself and others. We are all in this together, we will get through this together, and yes, we will get back together.

Please stay safe and healthy. Stay in touch – I’d love to hear from you!