Michele Straube

Making the Case for Acceptable Memory Loss by Michele Straube

Our memories fade, sometimes because we’re aging and sometimes because it’s better that way. The painful memories of childbirth and the sleep deprivation of the first few weeks/months of parenthood fade, else no-one would ever have a second (or third or fourth) child. Similarly, I now know from personal experience, the memories of parenting a new puppy fade.

My Life According to Food By Michele Straube

The first few months of retirement gave me time to reflect on what provides meaning in my life, what I really value and want to spend time on.  Then came the month of December, a month filled with three family birthdays in addition to all the usual celebrations.  I realized that food plays a most essential role in how I move through my days.  Yes, I need food to survive.  But food is so much more than physical nourishment for me. 


Aging Backwards by Michele Straube

My cousin-in-law sends birthday greetings to his female relatives telling us we’re “aging backwards.”  I’ve always thought it was a cute sentiment, but realized on a recent hike that it might actually be true for me.  Thanks to the miracles of modern science and a strong stubborn streak in my family history, my aging future looks more active and agile than my middle age past.