essays on aging

Writing Prompt Responses by Bob Bader

In a recent online writing class, I’d given participants two writing prompts, “open the box” and “leaving.” They had 10 minutes per prompt to write whatever came to mind. Below are Bob Bader’s responses:

“Open the Box”

Open the box of chocolates and enjoy, Sanders, creamy dark and luscious. She slowly removes the wrapping and passes the box around, pick one. A special treat on a special day. You are young or so young. Time is short or so short; but you don’t know that now. No, for now, all there is her and that box of chocolates.

I'm Going South . . . No Moving Van Required By Cathy Love

It started with the one-inch black chin hair I found. Yes, on my chin. It started on the chin bone but wrapped itself underneath the chin, almost in hiding or to save me from the horror of well, finding it. I mean, why stay married if your husband cannot identify these points of interest? Clearly his protective gene has aged out.