Writing Prompt #6 What Are You Curious About?


What are you curious about?

As we get older, we have a wonderful opportunity to open up ourselves to our own curiosity. Creating more space and expansiveness in our lives allows us to figure out our priorities and listen to that inner voice, that quiet but persistent whisper that wants to try something new — perhaps research Egyptian history, travel to Bangkok or Baton Rouge, learn how to make pastry dough or play the piano, volunteer with immigrants or run for political office. Whatever it is, you owe it to yourself to stop and listen. In her book Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert says:

“Curiosity only ever asks one simple question: ‘Is there anything you’re interested in? Anything? Even a tiny bit? No matter how mundane or small?

The answer need not set your life on fire, or make you quit your job, or force you to change your religion, or sent you into a fugue state; it just has to capture your attention for a moment. But in that moment, if you can pause and identify even one tiny speck of interest in something, then curiosity will ask you to turn you head a quarter of an inch and look at the thing a wee bit closer.

Do it. It’s a clue.”

So I ask you again, what are you curious about? Find a quiet space, take a few deep breaths, start writing and see where this takes you. You may just surprise yourself.

Of course, the prompt is designed to spark your personal writing, but if you end up crafting an essay that you'd like to send my way, I'd love to read it.

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