Writing Prompt: “Write what you didn’t say . . .”

Write What You Didn't Say.jpg

Write what you didn’t say . . .

Grab your writing tool of choice and see where this thought takes you. Put away your inner critic and just start. The goal is to keep writing, so don't worry about grammar or even making sense. It's all about getting your uncensored thoughts onto the page. When you’re done you can hit “delete,” shred the page or keep it. But, I can guarantee this: you’ll feel a little lighter for saying what you’ve wanted to say.

While the prompt is designed to spark your personal writing, if you end up writing an essay that you'd like to send my way, I'd love to read it.

For more writing prompts, search “Writing Prompt” on the top top right of this page. Enjoy!

If you have an essay you'd like to share with others on the blog, click here for submission info. Since I also teach “Writing Through Grief” and “Writing as a Tool to Cope with Anxiety,” if you have an essay related to these topics that you’d like to share, please email it to me.

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